It all depends on what time the banks post the transfers and what day the settlement falls on. We can distinguish between several possibilities:
- You have an account with PKO BP -> you will receive the transfer immediately
- You have an account at another bank -> if the settlement is made by 11:30 am, you will almost certainly receive a transfer the same day in the after noon hours, provided it is not a weekend or holiday.
- You have an account in another bank -> if the settlement was done after 11:30, you will receive the transfer the next business day morning.
- You have an account in another bank -> if the settlement was done after 3:00 pm, you will receive the transfer the next business day in the afternoon.
- Revolut -> if you settle through Revolut, you will receive the transfer on the day of settlement.
Saturdays, Sundays
On these days, banks do not work and do not post transfers. Therefore, settlements are always delayed, the exception is when you have an account with PKO BP or Revolut -> these settlements are always immediate.
- Transfer made on Friday by 11:30 -> money will probably arrive the same day in the afternoon.
- Transfer made on Friday after 11:30 a.m. -> you will receive the money on Monday morning
- Transfer made on Friday after 3pm -> you will receive the money on Monday after noon
If a holiday that is a legal holiday falls on a business day, that day is “skipped” by the banks. Let’s assume that Thursday falls on a public holiday:
- Transfer made on Wednesday by 11:30 -> money will probably arrive the same day in the afternoon.
- Transfer made on Wednesday after 11:30 a.m. -> you will receive the money on Friday in the morning hours
- Transfer made on Wednesday after 3:00 pm -> you will receive the money on Friday after noon