Ubble verification

What is this verification for?

The purpose of this procedure is to verify identity through the application by video recording the ID document. This is a key step in the process of activating a courier in the Uber Eats system.


  • Identity document: Must be the same as the one previously uploaded to Uber Eats.
  • Compliance with instructions: The courier must follow the steps indicated in the application, such as moving the document appropriately, to make all holograms visible.
  • Video quality: Video must be clear. The document should be held in the hand throughout the recording; it must not lie flat on the surface, which would prevent the display of holograms.

Verification Process

  • Once the documents are uploaded, the Uber Eats system automatically verifies them for authenticity.
  • If irregularities are found, the courier will receive a message asking him to re-record the video.
  • There is a limit of recording attempts, which is 7. Exceeding this limit will result in rejection of the courier’s application.

Courier Activation

If all the data match, the document is not fake, and the courier has already uploaded all the required documents, the activation process is completed successfully and you can make UberEats rides!