How to calculate VAT

Mistake! Calculating the tax “from gross”.

For example: 100 PLN * 8% = 8 PLN lub 100 * 23% = 23 PLN. This is a miscalculation because tax amounts are calculated on the net amount. So, if we have our amount of PLN 100, the calculations are as follows:

Rate 8%Rate 23%
Net amount92,60 PLN81,30 PLN
How do we count?92,60 PLN * 8%81,30 PLN * 23%
VAT Amount7,40 PLN18,70 PLN
The gross amount92,60 PLN + 7,40 PLN = 100 PLN81,30 PLN + 18,70 PLN = 100 PLN

The correct way

So 8% VAT on 100 PLN gross will amount to: 100 PLN / 108 *8 = 7,40 PLN, and 23% VAT on the gross amount of 100 PLN will amount to: 100 PLN / 123 * 23 = 18,70 PLN.